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Moving People to Extraordinary Life with Christ!

Promise Preschool (3 to 5-Year-Olds)

Promise Preschool is a safe and fun place where we inspire and assist the children with growth and healthy development (SPICES), developing self-help skills and life skills, building healthy relationships, exploring our environment, our community and creative arts, and we nurture young faith. It will include instruction from the Bible, emphasizing values of love, cooperation, sharing, respect, and responsibility.

Location and Hours:

Promise Preschool runs September to June with a maximum of 18 children per program:
5-day program: Monday to Friday, 9:00 am – 11:30 am (mornings)
5-day program: Monday to Friday, 12:30 – 3:00 pm (afternoons)

Steele Height Baptist Church 5812-149 Avenue, Edmonton

About Promise Preschool

Promise Preschool seeks to foster and enhance learning opportunities for your pre-kindergarten children. The teacher and environment prepares children for concepts they will encounter in their daily lives as well as in their future schooling.

Throughout the entire year the preschoolers gain a basic understanding of the bible through story, drama, and song. We hope and believe that each child will experience the love of God at their level and grow in all areas of development.

Things your child can look forward to:

  • learning about: weather, days of the week, numbers, and colours.
  • participating in crafts, circle time, gym time, outdoor time, “Show n’ Share”, and free play.

Registration and Admission Requirements

In order for a child to be accepted into our programs, they must complete the following steps:

1. Complete the online registration process HERE: Registration – McLeod Community Early Learning and Child Care Centre (
2. Wait for a call from the childcare office to say your registration is accepted.
3. Pay a non-refundable registration fee of $50.00 per child

The preschool spot is not secured until the registration fee is paid.

If you require more information, please contact us:
780-473-KIDS (5437)