Join us in-person or online every Sunday at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM!
Moving People to Extraordinary Life with Christ!


Grade 5 Faith Journey Event – Starting Point

For kids in Grade 5 and their parents! Starting Point: Families will learn what it means to start the journey of faith as a follower of Jesus. They will be provided with tools that parents can use to follow up with their children at home and that all can use to share the faith with…

Family Day Festival 

A thematic day of food, games, entertainment, crafts, and more! Fundraising bake sale and winter wear donations to support the Mustard Seed/Mosaic Centre.

Family Day Festival

This year’s theme is “GARDEN” in the middle of winter!! A day of food, games, entertainment, crafts, a scavenger hunt, garden seed exchange and more! Fundraising bake sale donations to support the Mustard Seed/Mosaic Centre.

Baptism Info Session

Looking to get baptized? Or do you have questions about baptism? Baptism involves sharing your story of faith and is an act of obedience, symbolizing a believer’s newlife in Christ. If you are interested in finding out more about baptism, there will be an informationsession on Sunday, December 17th at 12:30pm in the Boardroom. If…

Grade 6 Faith Journey Event – Baptism & Communion

For kids in Grade 6 and their parents! Baptism & Communion: Families will take an in-depth look at these important sacraments and where they originate. Each family receives a special book!

Grade 7 Faith Journey Event

Safety Online For teens in Grade 7 and their parents! Families will be empowered and given information & tools that will help them effectively support and guide their children into good, safe, Christ-honoring decisions on the computer as they spend time online. Each family receives a special book!

Family Cultural Night

our own mini Heritage Festival. Enjoy cultural food, wear cultural clothing to reflect your birthplace, music, crafts, games from other cultures, and more.

Grade 8 Faith Journey Event

Dating, Kissing, Sex and Stuff: For teens in Grade 8 and their parents! Teenagers will be challenged on their level to think through their sexual choices from a Christian world view and the gap between teens and parents will be bridged through discussions.

Easter Celebration!

A time for the whole family to discover the beauty of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Special music, drama and more!