Join us in-person or online every Sunday at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM!
Moving People to Extraordinary Life with Christ!

Spiritual mentoring is essentially a relationship between two to four believers and the Holy Spirit, where through the already present action of God, we can discover the answers to the questions about:

  • Who God is
  • Who we are
  • What God desires to do through our lives

Why would you want to have a mentorship relationship?

How is the quality of your relationships? Do you have people in your life you deeply trust? That you would call if you had an immediate need? Could you use more accountability in your life to achieve your goals for things like regular Bible study, prayer or scripture memorization? Would you like to know God’s word and characteristics better? Do you want to live a more spirit filled life? Do you know what your calling is at this time? Do you want to grow in servant leadership? Are you going through a life transition and long for someone who has walked a similar path to speak into your life? Do you long to be heard, respected and share your experiences with others?

Many of these questions can best be answered through a mentorship relationship.

Please prayerfully consider entering into a mentoring relationship.

If you want to be paired up in a new mentorship relationship as a mentor or mentee, please complete this form and return it to Lorne Clark or the Welcome Centre.

For more information about the Adult Mentorship Program or to start a Mentoring relationship please contact the SHBC office.