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Moving People to Extraordinary Life with Christ!
"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked." Psalms 82:3-4

Chain of Love operates a system of foster homes with houseparents/caregivers who are committed to the integral care of the children and adolescents, providing them with healthy development and good quality of life. They take in children and adolescents between newborn and age twelve from all over the state of Rio Grande do Sul, sent by the Justice Department through covenants with some cities in the state.

SHBC is delighted to be able to support Chain of Love with the sponsorship of two children. Far beyond the financial contribution, sponsorship allows us to develop an ongoing relationship with the children by exchanging cards, letters, and photos. We also receive regular updates on the children’s wellbeing, activities, and prayer needs.

Learn more about our children!

Support our Chain of Love children (Financial Donation)

More about Chain of Love

The Associação Cristã Pró-Menor Lar Colméia (Chain of Love), in Brazil, is a non-governmental organization, a Christian-based philanthropic not-for-profit legal entity. It acts as an instrument in the system of high complexity protection measures, in accordance with Brazilian laws and the Doctrine of Integral Protection, recognized by the Child and Adolescent Statute – a set of rules to protect children and adolescents in Brazil.

Chain of Love’s purpose is to take in children and adolescents who are in situations of physical, social, and emotional vulnerability. They are forwarded to Chain of Love by the Justice Department after all attempts to remain with their biological families and/or other relatives have been exhausted.