Old age is a blessing from the Lord. We should never be afraid of aging. Christians have a responsibility to show kindness, respect, and to take care of the elderly. Yes, we are to respect all people, but there is a certain type of respect that we give to the elderly unlike our own age group. There is a certain way we talk to them and give honor to them.
"Now that I am old and my hair is gray, don’t leave me, God. I must tell the next generation about your power and greatness. God, your goodness reaches far above the skies. You have done wonderful things. God, there is no one like you." Psalm 71:18-19

Seniors have a lot to offer the Body of Christ. They have been through many different hardship experiences that will help your walk of faith. They have made mistakes and they will help guide you so you don’t make the same mistakes. When living by the Word of God old age brings wisdom that is able to help and guide others in need. Old Christian men and women have a duty to help the younger generation.

We have confidence that we will be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our body may appear older, but our insides are being renewed daily. An elderly Christian never truly gets old. You only get old when you stop seeking the advancement of the kingdom of God.
You only get old when you cease building up others in Christ and turn to watching television all day. This is the sad truth for some elderly believers.
Many have lost their zeal for Christ and choose to live out their days in front of the television. Christ became perfection on your behalf and died for your iniquities. Life will never stop being all about Christ. Always remember that you’re still alive for a reason.
Here are SHBC, we encourage our Seniors to…
1) Keep Worshiping God privately & corporately (each Sunday).
2) Keep Growing in your Faith through Discipleship
3) Keep Serving the Lord through various church ministries
4) Keep Encouraging each other through Fellowship & Friendship.

Seniors Drop-In
Last Friday of every month (September to May)
1:30 – 4:00 PM
Seniors age 60+ meet at the church to play board games and enjoy some snacks and conversation. Invite a friend and come and enjoy some fellowship with other seniors from the church and the local community. For more information contact Pastor Gordon Poley at gord@shbc.ca.