If you are here for the first time, we welcome you! Our church is located at 5812 – 149 Avenue, in the northeast corner of the city. Whatever your needs and wherever you may be in your spiritual story, we pray that you will experience the Extraordinary Life that Jesus offers to all who are willing to seek and follow him.
Below you will find some common questions people have when first visiting our church.

When Is Your Service?
We have two Sunday morning services; one at 9:00 am and one at 11:00 am. (Summer services shift to 10:00 AM on Sundays.) Sunday services include a time of worship and teaching from God’s Word. You’ll find our Sanctuary on the main floor just off the lobby. (You can also join us online.)
Is There A Children’s Program?
We have an awesome Sunday children’s program for children ages 3 to grade 6 that runs concurrently with the services. Children will receive age-specific, Christ-centred programming. Be assured that our children’s programs staff have completed a security clearance. Simply stop by the Welcome Desk on Sunday morning to register your child(ren).

What Do I Wear?
Some still prefer to wear their ‘Sunday Best’ but jeans are great too! God reminds us in the Bible that He is more interested in what is happening in our hearts than what we are wearing. We want you to know that you are accepted as you are.
Where Do I Park?
Parking in the church parking lot is limited, but there are several accessible parking stalls available for those with a placard. There is also plenty of street parking and a school parking lot across the street which you can use. View Parking Map
What’s Happening?
We are a very active church and there is always something going on! Check out our ministry pages, calendar, or contact the office for more information. We’re sure there is a place for you to join, grow and perhaps serve.
We look forward to seeing you soon!