Join us in-person or online every Sunday at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM!
Moving People to Extraordinary Life with Christ!


There are many volunteer positions in Adult, Youth and Children’s ministries at Steele Heights. Whether you serve as a greeter, usher, serve at the coffee counter or lend an extra pair of hands, Christians with a spirit for service are needed in our church family. Click the button below to fill out the service opportunities form

Worship Team

The Worship Team plays an essential part in helping people gathered in the sanctuary and online, to draw near to God. The worship experience is a Spirit-filled, Word-centered activity that incorporates music, teaching, giving, prayer, communion, and the reading of God’s word. Learn More

Care Team

This ministry provides spiritual care, emotional care and encouragement to persons who call SHBC their church home and those who reside in the neighbourhood. Ministry may take place in home, hospital and long term care facilities.

Coffee Counter Team

The Coffee Counter team serves coffee, tea and other refreshments after the worship services.

Food Rescue Team

Seven days a week, our volunteers go to Save On Foods at 9 am to collect donated food from the Bakery Department. This supports the many ministries of SHBC such as Jr. High Drop-In, Youth, Community Dinner, etc.

Library Team

Located just off our lobby is the Steele Heights’ Library, which carries hundreds of books and dozens of DVDs. Team members help people find books, assist with the sign-out process and return books to the shelves.

Life Group Leader

We are closer to God and our original design when we live in community. A group leader will serve group members by conducting regular group meetings and assisting group members with pastoral care.

Outreach Team

The Outreach Ministry seeks to lift up Jesus Christ locally through a variety of partnerships and initiatives such as community dinners, festivals, serving the local schools and helping alleviate poverty in NE Edmonton through the Mosaic Centre. We are also lifting up Jesus Christ internationally through sending and supporting short term mission projects and long-term missionaries.

Reading Buddies

Reading Buddies is a community outreach partnership between SHBC and McLeod Elementary School. They assist children from the community who are having challenges with reading, by listening to them read or helping them with schoolwork.
Contact Antoinette Moore.

Student Ministry

There are numerous opportunities to serve in the many student ministries at SHBC. Team Members may provide prayer, help clean up, share the gospel, supervise sports, hang out with students, prepare food etc.
Contact Pastor Ben or Pastor Ameris.

If you would like more information regarding service opportunities, please contact Favour at the church office.