Not only do we look to reach out to our local community, but we also recognize that we have all been called to a broader service within our world. Our vision moves us to act locally and at the same time make a difference globally. Serving clearly benefits the recipient; however, many servants have also experienced a profound sense of God moving in their own lives as a result of their willingness to serve.
Local Outreach

(September to June)
For McLeod Elementary School Students
Reading Buddies is a community outreach partnership between SHBC and McLeod Elementary School. They assist children from the community who are having challenges with reading, by listening to them read or helping them with schoolwork.

Thursdays and Fridays 3:00 – 4:00 pm (from September to June)
For students in grades 7-9
The Junior High Drop-In provides an accepting place for students to hang out after school throughout the school year 1-2 days a week. We provide juice and snacks alongside a variety of games including ping-pong, foosball, and video games. Basketball is available in the upstairs gym. The Drop-In is supervised by the Student Ministries Pastor and caring volunteers.

Neighbour Fest
Family-friendly entertainment, food and activities make it a day to remember!
Check our calendar for dates and more information.

Family Day Festival
Each Family Day in February we celebrate family in a big way! This year’s theme was “Under the Sea.” You’ll be sure to see all kinds of sea creatures “swimming” about. Keep an eye on our calendar for details.
SHBC started hosting a free Family Day Festival in 2005 and it has been growing ever since. Family-friendly entertainment, food and activities make it a day to remember! A bake sale fundraiser with proceeds going to the Edmonton Food Bank is a way attendees can have the opportunity to give back to our community.

Everyday English (English Class)
Meeting on Mondays at 6:30 pm in the Fireside Room. Come and improve your English. Classes restart on September 23, 2024.

SHBC is an Agency Partner with Edmonton’s Food Bank. If you would like to be set up to access a food hamper please call Edmonton’s Food Bank. 780.425.4190

Steele Heights Baptist Church also partners with Mosaic Centre, a non-profit, charity resource centre located in Northeast Edmonton.
Mosaic Centre serves the vulnerable population affected by poverty, hunger and homelessness by providing a warm, safe and welcoming community environment. They see approximately 100 people a day, providing resources and supports for more than 800 unique individuals.
World Wide Missions
Not only do we look to reach out to our local community, but we also recognize that we have all been called to a broader service within our world. Our vision moves us to act locally and at the same time make a difference globally. Serving clearly benefits the recipient; however, many servants have also experienced a profound sense of God moving in their own lives as a result of their willingness to go. Through our support of individuals and various agencies, our Church has the privilege of touching lives around the world with a longer-term focus including the Asia-Pacific region, Cameroon, Benin, China and South and Central America.
We also place emphasis on the short-term projects where participants experience ministry in disadvantaged areas of the world. These encounters help crystallize areas of service for those who have gone – some leading to longer-term initiatives, others to greater participation in the local church ministry.
If you’re interested in joining our worldwide missions please contact the SHBC office.
International Partnerships
Two organizations we have worked with over the last decade and continue to support are the Chain of Love Orphanage in Novo Hamburgo, Brazil and Verbo School in Bluefields, Nicaragua.
Chain of Love is a NAB partner organization in Brazil led by Telmo Camargo. Chain of Love operates a system of foster homes with house parents/caregivers who are committed to the integral care of the children and adolescents, providing them with healthy development and good quality of life.