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Moving People to Extraordinary Life with Christ!

Staff and Leaders

Want to join our team? We are looking for a Children’s Pastor! Read the description here.

Ameris Platt

Ameris grew up in northeast Edmonton and began attending SHBC when she was just a young girl with her family. She then gave her life to Christ at the age of 17. Ameris has been working in Ministry for the past 4 years, and in 2024 completed her bachelor’s degree in theology, with a specialization…

Daisy Ejang

Daisy was born and raised in the city of Kampala, Uganda. She first came to Canada in 2016, for one year, then returned again in 2019. She went to Vanguard College, where she graduated with an Advanced Certificate in Christian Ministries. For as long as she can remember, Daisy has had a relationship with the…

Favour Adeleye

Favour was born in Nigeria and moved to Canada when he was eight years old. Growing up as a pastor’s kid, he began following Jesus at eight years old and got to see what serving the Church looks like first hand. Pursuing his personal call to ministry, Favour completed a bachelor’s degree in theology, specializing…